What are the specifications of Y Elite 2.1?


Length coverage: 14.0 megabases (callable); 22.0+ megabases covered

Read length: 150 base pairs

Coverage: 30x

Note: FGC SNP calling is based on NGS sequencing which produces certain SNP calls that cannot be validated using Sanger sequencing. Any questions regarding those SNPS should be directed to the FGC team for further clarification.

academic reference:

For example, the 2015 paper by Francalacci uses "...single nucleotide polymorphisms from the whole euchromatic region, including the X-degenerate, X-transposed, and Ampliconic regions, along with variants in other unclassified chromosome intervals"

Competitor comparisons:

(percentage of SNPs with more than 10 reads):

Y Elite: 87.1% of SNPs

Whole genome product

Whole genome products include:

a. Y chromosome reports

b. mitochondrial reports

c. variant files (vcf) that are compatible with third party tools, such as Promethease

d. raw data (BAM files)

The whole genome product is primarily for ancestry, but since health information is in the data, we recommend that the customer take the data either to a geneticist or genetic counselor or explore the data using third party tools. Note that FGC does not provide medical advice and we do not provide medical reports on the data ourselves. The goal of our product is to provide comprehensive ancestry results as well as make it possible for the customer to explore health results in consultation with appropriately qualified professionals if they desire to do so.

GenomeGuide is our mid-range product that provides high quality ancestry data for a price under $1,000.

Review: DNA Testing Choice review of FGC whole genome test.

Press Release: January 28, 2016 GenomeGuide Announcement Jan 28, 2016.

Specifications: Periodic record of current coverage by FGC test: Public reference: ISOGG Wiki on Whole Genome FGC results

Average Callable Loci (Y chromosome) 10x Chromium Long read: 18mb (new and best possible coverage)

30x 14.5mb - 15.1mb

20x: 14.2 mb

15x: 13.5 mb recommended for genealogists (15x or better)

10x 8,046,540

4x 1,050,996

2x: 349,397

Y Elite:

14,000,000 (approx)

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